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Nikolina Lebenicnik Galeazzi
Founder, Home stager, property and marketing manager.
I have been living and working in Switzerland since 2013.

After many years of experience as a hotelier and property manager, I decide to sell the business and give voice to what has always been my great passion: Interior design, furniture, home styling.
Numerous courses in Interior design and Home staging, experience in the field and an accurate market research, allow me to transform a simple apartment to rent or sell into a welcoming home that meets the right target.
Having worked for many years in hospitality and tourism, setting up holiday homes \ short rentals is the activity with which I distinguish myself.

Valuable collaborations

SARA TESTA home stager, specializzata nella fotografia degli interni.

La nostra filiale in Italia

APPLI COLOR Paint and tints;
Technical and chromatic consultancy to define the best application techniques.
Accurate execution of all preparatory work on the different materials and surfaces.
BETWEEN MAINTENANCE; an indispensable help at home at 360 degrees:
Various assemblies, Electricity, Plumbing, Maintenance, Internet, TV arrangement.
www. fashionphoto .ch
Professional photo shoot
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